
Announcement of Conference

September 30, 2020

FinTech and rthe Future of Payments

Program Agenda & Conference

A growing collection of digital innovations is currently underway with the goal of enhancing payments, both domestic and international, and creating an ecosystem of FinTech platforms to provide related financial services. But while the story starts with payments, understood properly it quickly comes to encompass a set of larger questions. The questions range from the structure of financial institutions and the translation of savings into investments on the one hand, to the role of central banks and ultimately international political economy and the distribution of power on the other....

Program Agenda

A growing collection of digital innovations is currently underway with the goal of enhancing payments, both domestic and international, and creating an ecosystem of FinTech platforms to provide related financial services. But while the story starts with payments, understood properly it quickly comes to encompass a set of larger questions. The questions range from the structure of financial institutions and the translation of savings into investments on the one hand, to the role of central banks and ultimately international political economy and the distribution of power on the other....